Snaps is a tool within DTS Connex that allows a user to instantly upload images that can be used for research, reconciliation, or compliance purposes.
What type of Snaps are available?
Every Snap uploaded into DTS Connex can be directly linked with a transaction or tagged in a specific category. Below are the available categories:
- Change Order: Capture all images related to Change Orders received by a location. Such as a torn package, missing coin/currency, or adjusted coin/currency.
- Deposits: Capture all images related to Deposits sent by a location such as: torn or tampered with bags, missing deposit advice, or deposit bags overfilled.
- Safe Count: Capture all images related to a Safe Count performed by a location, such as a picture of the inside of the safe, or handwritten logs.
- Transportation: Capture all images of how your deposit/change order gets to/from the bank. This might include images of USPS packages or carrier logs.
- Manifest: Similar to Transportation, you can quickly and easily capture images of the carrier's log by generating and printing the QR code off one time.
- Other: Something else you want an image captured of but it doesn't fit one of these categories?